Monday, December 1, 2014

All for a Sister, by Allison Pittman, tells the story of two young ladies as they try to put together the pieces of their lives.

One of the girls, Dana Lundgren, spent most of her life in prison for a crime which never occurred. There was no trial or sentencing of the girl and for most of her life she was forgotten, except by a few people.

Celeste DuFrane, on the other hand, never lacked for anything in her life, except for perhaps the love of her mother and brother.

The two girls are thrown together to find the truth about each other. As one part of the story is uncovered, other questions arise.

This novel is one of the best that I have read in recent time. The writing drew me in and kept me mesmerized as the story drew me in and kept me guessing as to what would happen next.

Allison Pittman is a talented author and I look forward to future work by her.

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