Friday, March 29, 2019

Justice, Mercy, Humility

Justice. Mercy. Humility.: A Simple Path to Following Jesus by [George, Rusty]Justice, Mercy, Humility is based on Micah 6:8: 8 He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.(NIV). Using this verse George was able to build s book on spiritual growth. In the book he helps the reader to see that following God is not overwhelming, it is simple. God wants a relationship with us.
Through stories from his own life, Rusty George is able to express this simplicity of following our heavenly Father.
I enjoy books that help me see how to have a relationship with my Lord, and which reminds me what God truly wants with us....a relationship.
I think this book should be found on each believer's bookshelf or ebook.
I was given this book by the publisher, Bethany House, through NetGalley, in exchange for my honest review. 

Thursday, March 28, 2019

The Scent Keeper

The Scent Keeper: A NovelI was given this book from NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
The Scent Keeper is a book that spoke to my heart. Emmeline is a little girl who lives with her father on a remote island that is filled with enchantment. Her father teaches her, through her senses, all about nature. There are unexplained items, though. Such are the scents which are sealed in bottles with seals, then placed in drawers along one wall of the cabin. There is also the machine which creates them. Emmeline begins to explore more and more as she gets older. One day, unexpectedly, she is thrust into the real world, with the good and the bad. She now needs to find out who she is which is an adventure that  places her heart and imagination to stretch beyond their limits.
When I read the description of The Scent Keeper it mentions that this book is "lyrical and immersive." These are words which fit this book perfectly. It is a book about learning how to seek the things that unlock hidden truths and help us find the way to home. I highly recommend this book to anyone that enjoys losing themselves in a book. 

Saturday, March 23, 2019

In the Shadow of the Water Tower

In The Shadow of The Water Tower by [Kirby, Alan]I was given this book by NetGalley in exchange for my honest review.
This book, In the Shadow of the Water Tower, is the story of the Kelly boys who grew up in Glenville, Indiana. As men in their 60s one moved to the east coast and the other the west coast. They are brought back together when they receive a call from an attorney from their hometown. They need to travel to Indiana to find out the final wishes of a deceased neighbor from when they were younger. The bequest will have these men facing their past as they wield a power that could change the lives of individuals in their town.
I admit, I was attracted to this book by my childhood. I also grew up in the shadow of a water tower, in a small town. In many ways, I could see how I would reflect on my hometown if I were given the same challenge.
This novel will take the reader to small town, America and perhaps show them a little of themselves.

Eat Live Thrive Diet

Eat, Live Thrive Diet  helps women learn how to lose body fat permanently and how to improve their brain function, disease resistance, increase energy and improve health.
The two authors have experience as health coaches who have dealt with the issues presented in this book.
The research Demetre and Thomson has done is evident through this book. I have been one of those they are trying to help and their advice seems sensible enough to follow. They also cover dietary issues which may come with age, such as gluten, and they talk about the advantages and disadvantages with these foods
This would be a good book for any lady who is approaching, or is in midlife.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Nearing Ninety

Nearing Ninety: And Other Comedies of Late Life (Judith Viorst's Decades) by [Viorst, Judith]Judith Viorst has such a humorous take on life. It is reflected in this book of poems about "late life." Some of the poems touch subjects that could be tearful but she approaches them in a way that they touch the heart, instead of break it.
She talks about the changes which happen at this age, such as hearing more eulogies than symphonies.
I recommend this book to anyone who wants to approach the nineties with grace and humor.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

Of Fire and Lions

Of Fire and Lions: A Novel by [Andrews, Mesu]I received this book from the publisher in exchange for my honest review.
I have been reading other people's reviews on this book and I am amazed that I have not read a book by this author before.
Of Fire and Lions is a fictional retelling of the life of Daniel, as told through a character named Abigale.
 The author, Mesu Andrews is a masterful storyteller. The book is filled with details which show that she knows the details of Daniel's story.The characters' story lines are riveting and developed well. I enjoyed this book and now look forward to reading some of her other novels.
I give this my highest praise.

Sunday, March 3, 2019

Book Review: The Blue Bath

The Blue Bath: A Novel by [Waters-Sayer, Mary]
The first thing I thought when I started to read The Blue Bath is the beautiful writing. I was able to lose myself In Mary Waters-Sayers words.
The characters in this book are fully rounded. I could feel what they would be feeling and, through her use of descriptive words, I could see what they saw.
I cannot say enough good things about this book. I loved it and most highly recommend it.