Thursday, May 25, 2023

Spellbinder: The Not-So Chosen One


This book had me at the first page. That, to me, is a good, GOOD read. The entire time I am reading it I am thinking my grandkids would love this book. The author has such a wonderful grasp of voices and characters. Even the ones that are seen as the enemy have been created in such a way that kids want to see what will happen to them without being afraid. The imagination in the scenes is great also. 

This book will captivate many middle grade readers. I recommend this one highly.

Meeting Jesus at the Table - A Lenten Study

I found this book to be a refreshing devotional to share at our table. The reflections that the author provide are jumping off points for discussion and good conversation. Overall, I would highly recommend this book.

I was given this book by NetGalley and Westminster John Knox Press in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are my own.

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Food Triggers

This book has come into my life at the perfect time. I am sure God placed this in my sight knowing what I am going through. I was on a sleeping aid for years which made me sleep-eat. I got off of this aid but the damage has been done. I like this book because she has gone through a weight issue and she combine advice, and stories with Bible verses. This is a very encouraging book. 

I was given this book by Bethany House Publishing in exchange for my honest review. The opinions are my own.