The Longest Echo is set in Monte Sole, Italy in 1944. This is a small village during the time of the occupation. The Nicoletti family consists of Liliana, her parents, two sisters, her grandparents, an aunt and an uncle plus cousins. The family became divided when the invasion happened. The men to the hills the women and children to the church, each sure they would be safe. An SS man, Werner Brack, ordered all the people in the church to be killed. All but one died.
There was also a man, a POW, James Foley, who escaped from a camp and was important to the survival of Liliana. Together, they found their way, through the perilous area of the enemy lines. They finally joined the Allies.
Liliana and James met again twelve years later. James had become a journalist and Liliana was widowed. Both were driven to find answers to questions they had had since the war.
This was a book that reached to my soul. Eoin Dempsey is a powerful writer who knows how to weave words to have the reader feel the heartbreak and drive each of the characters feel. This book was based on true events. I highly recommend this book